
The abort-on-iframe-property-read snippet patches a list of properties on the iframe's window object that aborts execution when the property is read.

You can use this snippet to prevent CV providers from using iframe native functions.




The list with the targeted properties to abort.


Filter examples

The following table lists examples that use the abort-on-iframe-property-read snippet:


abort-on-iframe-property-read atob

The code that reads/calls the atob function inside an iframe throws an exception.

abort-on-iframe-property-read atob btoa

The code that reads/calls the atob or btoa function inside an iframe throws an exception.

abort-on-iframe-property-read adHandler.cmd.push

The code that reads/calls the push function throws an exception. This function is a property of cmd, which is a property of the adHandler global object.

abort-on-iframe-property-read Element.prototype.attachShadow

The code that reads/calls the attachShadow property throws an exception. This example shows that you can attach the filter to prototype iframe properties as well.


The following table contains messages you'll find useful during debugging:

MessageWhen the error occursDefinition

no property to abort on read

At the beginning of snippet execution

No property parameter was passed to the snippet.

<property> access aborted

Each time the property is set, right before throwing the error

The error is about to be thrown.

aborting on <property> access

Right before attaching to the property

This log is printed just before the snippet takes over the property getter OR setter.

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