
This snippet aborts the execution of an inline script when a property is either read or written.




The API function or property name to anchor on. It can also be the path to that property.

If the property is a direct child of window, this parameter will be the property name. If you want to access a sub property, though, this parameter becomes a chain of properties separated by dots.



If specified, only scripts containing the given string are prevented from executing.

If the string begins and ends with a slash (/), the text in between is treated as a regular expression.


Filter examples

The following table lists examples that use the abort-current-inline-script filter:


abort-current-inline-script setDefaultTheme

The code that calls/writes the setDefaultTheme global function throws an exception.

abort-current-inline-script document.head.appendChild

The code that calls/writes the appendChild function throws an exception. This function is a property of head, which is a property of the document global object. Be cautious when using this approach; it blocks any code that appends an element to head.

abort-current-inline-script Object.prototype.networkListener

The code that reads/writes the networkListener property throws an exception.

This example shows that you can attach the filter to prototype properties.

abort-current-inline-script btoa BOOTLOADER_LOADED

The code that calls/writes the btoa global function throws an exception. This filter would only work inside inline scripts whose text content contains the BOOTLOADER_LOADED string.

abort-current-inline-script document.createElement /ru-n4p|ua-n4p|загрузка.../

The code that calls/writes the createElement function of document throws an exception. This filter would only work inside inline scripts whose text content matches the /ru-n4p|ua-n4p|загрузка.../{regex}.


Keep the following tradeoffs in mind when you use the abort-current-inline-scriptfilter:

  • The snippet is executed after all of a page's inline scripts. As a result, you should only attach properties read inside of a callback, which can be executed after the script.

  • You can only attach this snippet to global properties, or properties of the window object.

Last updated